You deserve the tools you need to succeed.
Because your success matters.
Making the mistake of looking like you just got out of bed when you go to the grocery store can lead to trouble,...
They say it takes seven touches for someone to become aware of you, your services and to feel comfortable to engage...
Even though you’re a healer, to grow your healing business, marketing is necessary. Portable marketing...
Networking serves many purposes, it’s not just to find new healing clients. Listen in to these tips and...
For your healing business to thrive, you need both offline and online client attraction strategies. Offline...
Being in the lack mentality brings your energy down. Get out of “Lack” fast using some of these...
Being in the lack mentality brings your energy down. Get out of “Lack” fast using some of these...
When you heal full time, you need to be able to support yourself to avoid being in lack or in need. ...
You must have an energetic void of income to fill in order to attract the income you desire towards you. Money...
Your unfinished projects, whether personal or in your business, can be a resource or energy drain on you. It...
Often, healers are too permissive of toxic behavior in their clients, employees or vendors, and business partners,...
There are a few ways that business owners tend to create toxic blocks in their lives, stopping the flow of income...