Boost Your Immune System 1: Detoxing

Boosting your immune system: sounds so simple. But the truth is, your immune system is beyond complicated. There are many components to it, they are interlinked. Step 1 - detoxing

Because of the current pandemic, you may have been bombarded with a ton of stuff to buy, a lot of it expensive, playing on your fears.  There are also a lot of conspiracy theories using a modicum of truth sometimes and then playing on your fears again to make you believe their agenda.  

I want to put the power back into your hands.

The fact is, that you are the one needing to get the job done.  I am going to take you through a series of brief tips on how to improve what you have.  It’s fast and simple but not easy to do in a lot of cases.  And it’s inexpensive.

Today I’m going to talk about detoxing.  

What is really involved in detoxing?  Why do you need to detox?  Do you need to do anything special to detox?  Do you need to follow a special diet to detox?  

Let’s think about this: what does the detoxing in your body? Where is your immune system anyway? It’s actually in your whole body.  Everything.  Let’s start with the obvious.

Let’s look to your gut.  You eat things.  It has bacteria, dirt, chemicals, drugs, etc.  and your body has to pick and choose out of what you swallow, how to get your nutrition or hydration out of the messy glob in your intestines. Your gut is the first line of defense.  It has a powerful component to your immune system handling the pathogens and foreign (and useless) matter, including toxic chemicals.  

There are several things that happen afterwards:

  • The leftover stuff enters your blood stream, when several organs are activated to improve your toxic levels:
  • Let’s start with your liver, a major detoxing organ.  It filters out all medications, all chemicals, and sends out cholesterol to take care of inflammation caused by what you’ve eaten (sugar, allergens, poisons).  
  • Your kidneys help filter your blood by continuing to remove metabolitic waste from your body. 
  • In addition, your skin sweats out what it doesn’t need, like excess salts.  
  • Your lymph system captures more chemicals and your spleen removes used up blood cells and other broken down proteins that can’t be used in the body.  
  • Your large intestine removes the unused portion of food in the form of fiber and what the liver and gall bladder shuffle into it.  

And I’m Just getting started. I haven’t even talked about your sinuses, throat, lungs or other mucous membranes or the white blood cells in your blood stream.  That will be later.  

So let’s reiterate quickly, just so I’m clear.  It starts in the intestine, then into the bloodstream where the liver, lymph, spleen, skin and kidneys are clearing out toxins.  Then the large intestine is shuffling out the left overs from digestion as well as what the liver and gall bladder dumps there to remove from the body.

Isn’t the body a true miracle?

So, you can see why then that any one thing you do is not going to work, meaning that one vitamin, one mineral, one herb, or drug, doesn’t hold the answer to keeping you healthy.  It’s looking at the robustness and resilience that is going to make your health bulletproof.

If your body is healthy and functioning well (and you are taking care of it), you won’t need to do a special detox.  If you are doing what’s needed to maintain a healthy immune system, your body will keep you relatively clean.  There are some exceptions, like if you are living or working in a particularly toxic environment.  You may need some extra help.

Right now, we are going to talk about basics.  

The first thing you should do to help your body clean up is drink water.  Not beer, not coffee, not wine, not soda.  Water.  Herbal tea might be an exception.  It should be at least two quarts a day of filtered or spring water.  If you are larger than average or very active, it could go up to a gallon.

Here are a few reasons why drinking plenty of water helps:.

  1. Whenever your body takes on toxins, its natural tendency is to bloat you up to dilute it.  It is trying to wash the poison out of your system.  It helps your kidneys and skin flush it out.  
  2. Your brain is 90% water and needs hydration to function well.  The more fluid you drink in the morning to replenish it, the faster it comes on line.  In the years of doing healing work, the first thing I do for new clients is heal the brain because your body’s immune system needs your brain to function optimally.  
  3. Your skin plumps up and starts looking and working healthier. You even look years younger. Your skin is a major detox organ. 
  4. Your blood is 83% water and needs the added fluid to do its detoxing throughout the body efficiently. 
  5. Even your bone is 22% water but produces all of your red blood cells (which carry the oxygen around for your body to do work, expend energy, and repair itself) and 70% of your white blood cells, one of your first lines of defense against pathogens. 
  6. Getting enough water will also help reduce headaches, muscle cramps, fatigue, constipation, and depression.  It will improve exercise, cognitive function, digestion, mood, weight control, and youthful appearance.  

One of the most difficult things I have had to do is getting my elderly parents and clients to drink more water: they don’t want to bother getting up to go to the bathroom.  They then become susceptible to bladder infections, other infections, diabetes, and other elder issues.  

A good place to start your water consumption is early in the morning:   drink two glasses right away.  It replenishes and jump starts your brain.

 The energy of the water can be improved by writing happy messages on the bottle.  I have joy, happiness, love, enlightenment, peace, family on my bottles.  We know that the thoughts that get imprinted in the water changes the way water crystallizes, which is a reflection on the energy put in by those thoughts.  

We also know from science this to be true:  The energy field of peaceful happy people radiates out is a smooth high frequency wave form while angry people radiate out a jagged low frequency wave form.  Since we are 70% water, imagine if you’ve got water coming into you with high frequency happy thoughts imprinted into it how it will do you good.  That’s my only energy healing tip of the day.

Energy healing tips:

The other things you can do when you wake up is smile, be grateful you are here, alive at this moment, and take a deep breath while stretching your shoulders back and straightening your spine.  All these are proven ways to improve your mood and help your body run more smoothly.

In summary, Your immune system is a complex set of checks and balances in the body.  It is designed to keep your insides clean of things that will harm it, like chemicals and pathogens.  Today I specifically mentioned the digestive system, the skin, liver, kidneys, lymph, and large intestine.  All these need to be working well to protect you. 

The first step in doing that improving your immune system is by drinking at least 2 liters or quarts of water every day.  Other ways to get your body to run better is to take some deep breaths, stand up straight, and smile.  

Standout Quotes:

  •  "What my message is to help you. And I would like you to be healthier and put the power back in your hands instead of having people dictate to you like what's going on. And in other words that you're helpless, but you're not helpless.”
  •  “if you eat anything that's not nutritional, your body will break it down. As soon as that happens, and your body starts breaking it down, then your liver is now trying to detox it. And the more you tax your liver, the more your immune system goes downhill.”
  •  “The thing is that your immune system is your whole body; your whole body is built to defend against foreign invaders.”

Key Takeaways:

  •  Anastasia has been repeatedly asked concerning this pandemic: what do I do? How am I to cure when we got hit by the virus? And, of course, the wisest course of action is to fortify what you have right now.
  •  Your immune system is not a singular entity; it encompasses everything. It's a pretty tricky situation. There is a set of checks and balances in place, and it begins the moment you ingest or breathe something in. Sinuses, throat, stomach, and intestines are all included. And then, as soon as the food enters your intestines, it travels to your liver to begin detoxifying the substances you consumed.
  •  Metabolic waste occurs in all of your cells because your cells consume the food they contain for energy, rebuilding, and so on. It begins in the intestines and subsequently spreads to the liver. After the liver, you'll notice that your body is absorbing all of these foods. There are numerous byproducts, and then the kidneys take over, filtering out the byproducts and removing them from the body, removing them from the body aids in detoxification. Another degree of detoxification occurs in the skin and lymph system.
  •  Numerous organs and systems in your body are triggered to assist you. For example, your skin will sweat off some of those metabolites and excess salts. It is what your body does when you eat. Thus, everything non-nutritive is disposed of in the liver. Everything you consume is broken down in the stomach, and small intestine, and then the liver filters out all of the poisons.
  •  The liver performs approximately 17 critical roles, one of which is to put out the bad cholesterol to cover up any inflammation in the body, and subsequently, the good cholesterol sweeps it away. You want to minimize inflammation because it places a strain on the liver.
  •  Your bone marrow produces 70% of your white blood cells; white blood cells defend against pathogens. Because a pathogen is a bacteria or virus that enters the body and white blood cells are one of the first lines of defense. If you are performing one thing, that will not work.
  •  Consume copious amounts of water. And the amount of water that is appropriate for you is determined by your size and activity level. However, it should not be beer or coffee. It should not be tea; it should be purified water.
  •  Your brain is composed of 90% water. Thus, for your brain to work correctly, it must be adequately hydrated. When you sleep, you're releasing a large amount of extra water to flush all toxins out of your body via your bloodstream.
  •  Your skin is a vital organ of detoxification. Thus, the more you drink, the more you move, and the more you sweat, the more you aid your body in releasing everything. Your blood is 83 percent water, and it assists in the removal of waste and toxins from your body. It occurs by sweat entering through the kidneys and exiting through the bladder. Even your bone marrow, which is 22 percent water, assists in the removal of waste and toxins.
  •  Your bone marrow performs two functions: it generates all of your red blood cells, 100% of them; they are formed at the ends of the bone, in the dark section. And then the center part of the marrow is where your white blood cells are created, 70% of them in the marrow and 30% in the spleen, and these are the things that genuinely help boost your detoxification systems.
  •  Scientific research demonstrates that a happy person emits a very smooth waveform with a high frequency, but an angry or disturbed person emits a jagged waveform with a low frequency. That is, having this smooth waveform is quite beneficial.
  •  Getting enough water will help you avoid muscle cramps, headaches, fatigue, constipation, and depression. It will improve your ability to exercise and cognitive function; it will help you wake up your brain; improve your digestion and mood; and help you maintain a healthy weight, which is critical for many people. Additionally, it enhances your youthful appearance.

Episode Timeline:

[00:19] Strengthen your Immune System

[01:32] All about detoxing

[03:16] The process of detoxing

[04:25] Detox: The Skin and the Lymph System

[05:21] The Vital Role of Liver

[06:22] The immune system

[06:57] Drink plenty of Water

[08:06] Brain’s Water Composition

[08:57] Water as a medium to flush out toxins

[09:39] The Organ: Skin

[10:46] Benefits of Drinking Water

[12:46] Anastasia’s Ideal Daily Water Consumption Routine

[15:55] The Summary: Detoxification Processes

Next time, I’m going to continue the topic of detoxing to help boost your immune system and more deceptively simple steps to accomplish that.

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