Energy healing tips to manifest your dreams: Getting to commitment

Have you ever promised yourself that you are going to accomplish something, like start a business, write a book, sort your pictures into albums or lose some weight but never got very far? Is your house full of unfinished projects that are sucking your energy down? 

Have you ever promised yourself that you are going to accomplish something, like start a business, write a book, sort your pictures into albums or lose some weight but never got very far? Is your house full of unfinished projects that are sucking your energy down? 

What is it that stops you from succeeding?

Sometimes, you make huge strides in progress and other times, you drag yourself out of bed and there doesn't seem to be any difference in your outside circumstances. One of the major stopping blocks is the way you value yourself and keeping your word to yourself. Another is that the "dream" isn't really what you want.

These are big decisions you must make to take it a step further: Is this a "dream" you really want? Does your opinion of yourself change if you are a different weight? Does your opinion of yourself change if you are a success in a business? And does your opinion of yourself change if you write a book? These are good questions to journal about. Basically, if you are trying to please others in accomplishing this goal, then generally it is the wrong goal.

The way you value yourself is the next big decision to make. Do you hold other people's opinions of your higher than your own? Do you think you are less valuable than someone else? If you had an angry partner that stressed you out so much, you got sick, who would you choose - them or you? I had to answer that question 26 years ago. I chose me.

Take small steps to take your life back

The first practice to raise your energy or vibrational frequency when you find yourself in this situation is to keep promises to yourself. Make a small one an do one a day. Start with something that you want to accomplish. Let's say, writing a book. Promise yourself that you are going to write for 20 minutes starting at 7 am. Write for 20 minutes. Then move to something else.

The next step to reclaiming your life is to honor yourself in other ways. Release old, worn out stained clothes, furniture, shoes, cookware, or anything else that tells others you don't respect yourself. If it's a favorite, repair or replace. Releasing the past allows for an unencumbered future.

Get daily exercise. It releases stress. When you schedule your needs first, everything else actually gets done without the wear and tear on your psyche.

The small steps add up to big progress 

Each little step you take for yourself will snowball into huge progress. You can overestimate what you accomplish in the short term but greatly underestimate what happens in the long term. Committing to two to three hours a week on your dreams helps manifest them a lot more quickly than you imagined.

The main concept to manifesting is to start with one small commitment, keep your promise to yourself, and move to the next step. It can me as simple as clearing out the old, broken or stained items in your life. Get clearer by Waking Up Your Brain

Standout Quotes:

  •  "I kept making promises to myself and not keeping them."
  •  “We don't hold ourselves as important.”
  •  “You don't want to repeat your past, you want to move into the future.”
  •  “Keeping that promise to yourself is raising that frequency, your frequency higher and higher.”
  •  “Don't worry about what other people think your most important opinion that you have is that of your own that of yourself.”
  •  “One person can make a huge difference in a lot of people's lives.”

Key Takeaways:

  •  Anastasia has gone through this process numerous times, deciding, for example, that she has noticed she has gained a little weight and wants to lose it again. And she is unable to begin. Therefore, it made her think about what was preventing her from progressing.
  •  Anastasia enjoyed not looking in a certain way, but she preferred to be thinner.  Her body numbers are good; it didn’t matter if she was overweight or obese. She was happy with who she was and how she looked.
  •  The critical thing is to keep your word. The easiest way to boost your frequency is, to be honest with yourself. We can be honest with our spouses, children, parents, or friends. You keep your promises.
  •  Anastasia started the healing process by decluttering her house with items that seem no longer being used – these items include damaged undergarments or old shirts that have odor stains that won’t come off.
  •  Over the past years, Anastasia has dedicated some of her precious time working out in the gym. It was another form of healing for her. She didn’t want to stay sedentary for long periods.
  •  She started questioning successful authors who had created successful businesses. Anastasia has been interviewing successful business owners, many of whom have been in business for 1015 2030 years. What is one thing you would tell people? Varied responses, but always upholding a pledge to themselves.
  •  The more promises you keep to yourself, the more promises you keep to others, the better you feel, the more in integrity you are with everything you do, the higher your energy, and the more miracles you can truly create.

Timeline for this broadcast

00:36 Turning Dreams to Reality

2:07 Keeping the Promises to Yourself

3:11 People that care for others put themselves last

3:19 Be Integrated with yourself

4:25 Old worn stained clothes dishonor you, release them

5:53 Releasing the past allows for a NEW future

06:01 Physical Activity as a form of Healing

6:16 Exercising at home during pandemic

08:39 The Essence Of Time Management

9:52 Seek to keep one promise to yourself a day

11:04 Strategies to get you started

11:27 The most important opinion someone has of you is yours

12:04 Parental Influence in Eating Habits

14:32 The Healthy Meal Options

16:01 Your decisions can affect generations to come

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