Types of Talks for Speaking for Publicity and Credibility
Jul 06, 2022
Speaking is the fastest way to gain credibility and more visibility. Here’s a brief summary of types of talks and what could be in them with or without selling. There are also some tips of showing up well and what you could do to gain more leads without selling. Free live training on how to fill your calendar as a healer so you can support yourself and your family, go to: https://www.highpaidhealers.com
Types of talks to gain visibility and grow your business
Here are a few types of talks you can give to gain more visibility, whether you're speaking at a conference or whether you are at a networking meeting where you'll be giving a little five- to 10-minute talk.
And these talks are really important for your visibility, advertising, and image. The best thing to do is to prepare them ahead of time. Or at least have the bullet points prepared. It’s easy to carry queue cards around. That way, if someone asks you to stand up and give us a one minute introduction, you have it right there, prepared.
Here are the types of talks that you can expect.
- The first one is an elevator pitch. That could be a 30 seconds to a minute when you're first meeting somebody and so in those little 30-sec pitches, you can have a hook, which is a question or leading question, a solution, right things that you do, and then you have an ask which is what what in marketing terms is called a call to action. And the ask could be as simple as showing, make a phone appointment and talk about it
- And then there are the five-minute talks: Some places will allow you to have a five-minute talk, but these are fast, and you feel like you run out of time before you're done. To make the most out of this time, you would have a hook, then engagement. So engagement would be maybe telling a story that also includes credibility. Finally, you have your "ask" or call to action: it could be sign up for my free download, my free audio at a really simple URL or webpage. Or you can hand out a sign-up sheet for, let's say, a phone appointment.
- And then you can have a 10-minute talk. The 10-min talk is the same as the 5-min talk, with an added story. The stories are really helpful to increase the listener’s interest. This story would be about some client that you helped, what happened, what they were feeling before what happened, then the results afterward. For example, I told a story at one time of a 67-year-old mother and grandmother and how she was diagnosed with stage four cancer and was given like a month to live. And then I started working with her and in four months her cancer was starting to recede, and it was very emotional for me because it was actually a family friend. She lasted way longer than anticipated. Something similar would be like a really great story to tell about someone you helped. If you don’t have one, it could be about you.
- A 30-minute talk allows you to ask your audience questions to engage them: For example, “Wouldn't you love to have this in your life?” or “Would you love to experience a lot more energy right now?” Raise your hand or you know, or WAV or something, do something positive.
- And then a 60-minute talk is a full process. You lead them from where they are now to where they want to be. What you want to do is basically advertise your goods in any of the talks, but here you have the best chance of giving them a full picture.
In all day events, you can spread the 60-min talk out further and add some pieces to allow you to demonstrate what you do. I did a six-hour event at a hotel, and I had my 60-minute talk. Interspersed between the 60-minute talk content, I would either bring somebody up on stage, or I'd have the audience write something. Another thing I did was pass out a sheet where they’d fill in their healing request. I would select somebody to be healed in front of me while everybody was watching.
One of them requested an eye healing and a lot of the attendees experienced it as well. Another one was a relationship healing of an ex. Most of us have exes and that was really helpful for them to experience that.
At your own event, you can bring somebody up to demo on them what you do. You can also do quick readings of people in the room. For example, have them write down what they feel or how they would score themselves on a topic. Then do a quick reading verifying it for them because people love to hear about themselves. There are lots of ways to help give you and your skills credibility.
Here are examples of the contents of a 5-minute and a 10-minute talk.
In a five-minute talk, you can ask a leading question. Then tell a story. So the beginning of the story will be how miserable that person was in the beginning. Like when I mentioned the woman with stage four cancer that didn't have much time to live. After working with her, her cancer started to shrink. And she was given about a month to live, but instead I worked with her for about eight months. And then tell them what you're looking for.
For example, I'm looking for ten people who are interested in healing their relationships and then make an offer. The offer can be as simple as a signup sheet with time slots to make an appointment. When they sign up for that time slot, have them put their email address and cell phone, so you can text and email them reminders for the call. Then an hour before their appointment, make sure you send them text and email reminders because in my experience, people just forget. So you tell also them to write it down in their calendar.
You can do similar things in a 10-minute talk. But in addition to what's in the five-minute talk, add credibility, meaning tell another case study. Include the story down then the story up to show the process of before and after.
It could be your story, like what happened to you? People like to know why you are doing what you're doing. I have told my story many times and including saying that I was so sick I only had two good hours a day. Then I discovered energy healing. I learned a lot of it from different masters and now practice it myself.
Then you add the credibility by telling a story of somebody that has had success with you. You can add a brief teaching or have them participate. For example, get them to stand up and pull their shoulders back and take some deep breaths. Have them say a couple of affirmations. Have them give each other high fives and say "You are awesome." and other similar things.
Then make your offer. If you have slides, you can have a testimonial or two on the slide. If it is a live event, you can ask someone in your program to talk about you. You can pass around a signup sheet for your offer.
If you're not selling something (or not allowed to sell), you can add a little signup sheet for a free discovery call and put a testimonial or two on the signup sheet. People like to read those.
Tips for speaking to engage your audience
Be animated. I can't help but be animated because I moved my body when I talk. In fact, sitting like I am right now is not very comfortable. I'd rather stand and move around and talk right. So be animated, relaxed and be happy.
If you're not feeling happy in the minutes before you talk, you can go in the bathroom and pump yourself up. Get in your outstretched state and pump yourself up. For example, you can create an imaginary circle. In the circle, there's joy and there's excitement and there's passion. Then to feel that, you jump into the imaginary circle to absorb that energy. This is a way you can really pump yourself to go in feeling pleasant and smile.
Remember, you are the answer to someone's prayer right.
Most small networking events don't allow you to sell. But you can collect names and email addresses like I mentioned previously for a small ethical bribe. Sign up for a free Google text number. They can text their name and email address to this Google Voice number and get a free gift. When it's under 50 people, I did this by hand. I copied the contact information into my database and emailed the free gift to them all. They were then added to my email list and my prospects and potential clients grew.
If you're able to sell, you can keep their engagement with opening a “loop”, promising what you're going to talk about or say they will receive a free high value gift if they stick to the whole thing. I it's an hour talk, it should be about seven minutes in and 25 minutes in. If it's a 10 minute talk, remind them at about three minutes.
The way you speak,your posture and the words you use is a whole other course. These are just some really simple tips to help you get on your way to putting together a talk. In the next talk, I'm going to talk about what all those individual speech parts mean. For example, What is a hook, what is your engagement or your yes state. Then what is the credibility piece and what's your solution. Last, what is the pitch or the ask.
So in brief talks, the simple ask will be either sign up for a phone conversation or sign up to get a free gift. That's not selling. It’s tough to get someone to buy from you in such a brief encounter. But when they sign up for the free gift, you start emailing them high value free content. Then every once in a while, make an offer.
Today we covered types of talks, their content, and what to do to help grow your prospect list in each case.
Standout Quotes:
- "Giving talks are really important for your visibility, advertising, and image. and the thing to do is to kind of prepare them ahead of time."
- "Your talk is more effective with engagement, maybe telling a story or asking questions."
- "A 60-min talk is the process of leading your audience through the process of where they are now to where they want to be."
- "When presenting a talk, at the end, tell them exactly what you're looking for, what your call to action is: an appointment with you, a free give away or a sale."
- "To add credibility to your talk, tell a story of a client that has had success with you."
- "When speaking, raise the energy of the room. For example, have your audience move, stand up, have them give each other high fives, and/or say to one another, “ You are awesome.”
- "To improve rapport with your audience, be animated, relaxed and happy."
- "If you're not happy in the moments right before you talk, go in the bathroom to pump yourself up."