Tips and Etiquette for Successful Networking
Jun 24, 2022
Networking serves many purposes, it’s not just to find new healing clients. Listen in to these tips and etiquette for successful networking and what your purpose could be to connect with other business people. These tips will bring you new friends, new connections and new business. Free live training on how to fill your calendar as a healer so you can support yourself and your family, go to:
Have you considered live networking meetings?
I hesitated for a while because I’m an introvert. I find it very difficult to go into groups and networking meetings to describe myself. So these tips if you're introverted should help you and if you're not, they should also help you in other ways.
Here, you'll read about networking and networking etiquette. I call this networking 101.
Have you asked yourself when you go to a networking type meeting: Oh, what do I say, how do I approach people? Oh, there's a person over there that needs someone to talk to. What do I do?
It took me a long time to develop these skills because I used to never talk to anyone way back when. I then learned how to speak a little more.
Here are some tips that I learned along the way that will help you get through your networking meeting successfully.
First, before you go to a networking meeting, have an intention
Sit down and figure out what it is exactly that you want from this meeting. Suggestions could be to make three new contacts that day, meaning that you take their phone number and that you're going to call them.
It could be to meet five new people, just to meet them, and say hello. You will go back again to those meetings and see them again.
It could be that you are going to get one new referral or to give one new referral.
Now that you have an intention, it is really helpful because your brain and imagination are on speed dial. New ideas will flow, and you’ll meet the right people.
Connecting with others is the most important result at a networking meeting
When you go to these meetings, the thing is that you want to connect because they want to connect with you.
For me, being an introvert and not speaking very much isn't helping you or them, especially them. The first thing that I do when I meet somebody new is to say hello, how are you today? It's a little random. It could also be: tell me what's happening in your life. The most important thing in their lives will then tumble out.
That's similar to when you first get on a phone call with a potential new client, asking about them first.
This new contact at the meeting is also going to be a potential new client but it's a networking partner. This is where you get referrals. This is where they might hire you. This is where you have discovery calls.
These meetings are networking, not net-playing
It is not a social gathering; it's primarily networking, not net playing. By opening up with Hello, and greeting them, especially greeting them with a smile or shaking their hand. I might also say, “Well, I haven't met you before, so tell me about yourself what's going on in your life.”
They'll respond with either their set sentence or two: “I help entrepreneurs do [fill in the blank here]”. When you open with simple greetings, their speech might be a slightly more fluent and comfortable. You get to talk and smile and connect heart-to-heart.
So always listen intently. Let them speak. Don't interrupt. You can also reflect similar actions. If they are leaning in, lean in. If they're standing back, stand back. If they're smiling, smile. By doing this reflective behavior, it makes them more comfortable, and it also makes you more comfortable. Any kind of touching, hand shake or hug, whatever feels comfortable. I'm Greek. I come from a Greek family. We're all huggers. So I usually hug right when we part, if that feels comfortable.
Some networking etiquette tips:
When you meet with someone new, even if it's not quite a fit, ask for their card. For example, ”May I have your card? I'm very interested in what you have to say.” Or say, “ I might have somebody for you.”
In addition, you can always ask, “Is it okay to call you?" This is what I do with the cards, if it's okay to call them, I dog-ear the card on the right. And if it's not somebody you really need to talk to, but you would like you think that your content would be good for them, ask them if it's okay to put them on your list. If they say yes, dog-ear the card on the left.
If they say "no" to the list, do not do it. Do not do this automatically. Seriously. People feel invaded if you send emails to them automatically. This has happened to me where I've gone to meetings and people just put me automatically on their email list. And after two or three emails, I just unsubscribe. Sometimes it's trouble. Some people have put me on their list and didn't have an unsubscribe link. That's an even bigger invasive breach of etiquette. So you don't want to do that.
Of course, you follow up whatever you come away from any conversation. Write on the back of their card what it is that you promised or they promised and what will happen in the future.
Always remember to collect your energy back after these encounters. It's very helpful when at networking events to call your energy back. You can also ground yourself, take a few deep breaths, and then move on to the next person.
Tips for effective use of your networking time:
You don't want to talk to any one person more than a minute or two or three because these networking meetings are really short. The time for actually standing to chat and network is also very short. Usually most of the meeting, you sit at a table, eat a meal or snack, and you have guided conversations. And then there's the official networking part.
Here’s some other helpful card etiquette. Don't ever hand your card to someone unless they ask for it. Seriously, you don't want to be pushy and just give your card away. I've been to meetings where someone would hand cards to everyone and say “Call me. Call me. Call me.” That will never ever work. You’ve formed no connection whatsoever.
It’s better to ask for their card first. If they don't have one, find them on Facebook right then and there. Friend them and just send a note to them. “Nice meeting you at the [fill in the blank] meeting. I'd love to have a conversation with you.”
And if it's a really hot prospect, make an appointment on your calendar right away.
And if they ask for your card, give them your card like it's something sacred. Look them in the face and say, you can call me any time. I always answer my texts. This is my direct phone number.
I let them know that if I don't answer, it's usually on the phone with someone else. Then please leave a message and I will definitely get back to you. Make sure they know that they’re important to you.
Tips for your business card:
On your business card, you should have your picture. Because if you don't, they won't remember you. People are very visual. Your name, you could add your logo if you have one. You put what you do. On mine it says, physicist and master healer. Next I put health, energy and relationships.
Add your website, direct phone number, and email address. I added a my old tagline. “Raise your frequency with healing powered by science.”
And on the back side I put, “get your free healing audio and the put link. I also added my appointment link with “ready for a conversation?” Or book your free appointment here.
These tips are also extremely helpful because then when they take your card home, they have your picture, they know what you do and who you are, how to get in touch with you, and how to make an appointment. They get their choice of either having a free call or downloading a free gift, and then they're on your list.
What does “on your list” mean? That means that you can email them regularly, once a month, once a week, to touch base with them and say what's happening in your world. You might also let them know of free content you’ve just released.
Tips for being prepared to network with others
I nearly forgot to mention this: The last thing is have a series of questions ready, right when you go and speak. Right? And what I mean by that is instead of rattling off, "I help [fill in the blank here]."
Instead, you can ask questions such as, “do you or anybody you know suffer from migraine headaches?” And if so, if they're ready for a solution, right, have them give me a call. No obligation.
It could be: Do you or anybody you know, have a troubled relationship that you want to stay in and you/they want to heal?
That actually gets the conversation going, right? They'll say yes or no, and then you'll start talking about it. Having those questions prepared is very, very helpful.
Using these tips and networking etiquette will get you started in the right direction.
Standout Quotes:
- "When you go to networking meetings and you feel shy about speaking to others, remember that they want to connect with you and they would welcome conversation."
- "While being an introvert and not speaking to others very much doesn’t help you or them, especially them."
- "When someone else is speaking to you at a networking meeting, always listen intently. Let them speak. Don't interrupt. It’s more important than what you have to say for building trust."
- "At a networking meeting, don't ever hand your card to someone unless they ask for it. Seriously, you don't want to be pushy and just give your card away. Other business people find this offensive."
- "When you go to network, have a series of questions ready. It makes it easier to walk up to strangers and connect."