Tips for Releasing the Effects of Traumatic Relationships for a Brighter Future
Apr 19, 2023
Today’s topic is about trauma in relationships, specifically, trauma caused by abuse, be it emotional, physical, or verbal. My goal is to help you release and process this trauma more quickly, preventing you from reliving it as a form of PTSD.
You will discover three powerful processes for helping your body and spirit recover from the trauma caused by these relationships to you stop recreating these in your life. It helps you move from stuck to successful.
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"Healing Trauma in Relationships: Releasing Emotions and Restoring Energy"
Welcome to this discussion on healing trauma in relationships, specifically those caused by abuse, whether emotional, physical, or verbal. My goal is to help you release and process this trauma quickly, preventing reliving the trauma as a form of PTSD.
Recognizing and Addressing Abuse in Relationships:
Relationships can create trauma in various ways, especially if you grew up in a dysfunctional family. Abuse can feel normal, making it difficult to recognize when there's a problem. It is crucial to address abuse and release the harmful emotions that are often tied to your self-esteem.
When you repeatedly experience abuse, you start to feel nurtured by it, not realizing that it's not the norm for other people. This might lead to bearing the emotional pain in your body and holding on to harmful memories with emotional connections, causing them to repeat over and over again.
To deal with this kind of abuse, start by releasing the harmful emotions that are often tied to your self-esteem. This can be achieved through various techniques, such as the Emotion Code by Dr. Brad Nelson, or through energy healing.
Releasing Traumatic Memories:
Detaching the emotional charge from memories is essential to overcome trauma. You can do this by using the concept of the Akashic Records, imagining your life events as an encyclopedia of facts without emotional charge.
Clearing Your Timeline:
Clearing your timeline from the distant past to the far future helps let go of emotions from your past, present, and future lives. This healing technique helps you let go of emotions from your past, present, and future lives.
Restoring Your Energy Body:
Restoring your energy body can be done by getting back into your body, centering yourself, and taking deep breaths. Encourage the flow of energy and imagine old memories blocking your flow dropping away.
Envisioning a Happy Future:
Visualize a happy future for yourself by releasing old emotions and inviting positivity into your life. Imagine a golden bubble filled with affirmations like "I am valuable," "I am loved," and "I am worthy."
Healing trauma in relationships involves releasing emotions, using the Akashic Records, restoring your energy body, and envisioning a happy future for yourself. By applying these techniques, you can start healing from the past and create a happier, healthier future for yourself and your relationships. Thank you for joining this discussion, and my goal is that this information has been helpful to you.
Standout Quotes:
- "Using Akashic Records to store traumatic events by imagining them as facts without emotional charge can help heal the trauma. "
- "Abuse feels normal because it's all you've known, making it difficult to recognize when there's a problem."
- "Certain energy healing of emotions can help you let go of emotions from your past, present, and future lives."
- "After experiencing trauma, you can restore the energy portals or chakras that might be closed or non-functional. This will help you come back to yourself faster."
- "Release old emotions and invite positivity into your life by imagining a golden bubble filled with affirmations like "I am valuable," "I am loved," and "I am worthy." Draw this bubble into you so you can begin to embody them."