How to Create an Energetically Supportive Environment
Mar 01, 2022
As an energetically sensitive person, you need an environment that supports you rather than drags you down. Listen in to hear simple tips you can do right away to improve the feeling of your home, office, and any other space you are in. Free live training for healers:
Resources mentioned for improving the energy of your environment:
- Himalayan Sea Salt Lamps:.
- sphere:
- pyramid
- rough:
- double heart:
2. Focussed life force energy podcasts:,,
3. Focussed life force energy service: You can get a free two-week trial at Free Gift - FLFE
Standout Quotes for creating an energetically supportive environment:
- "If you cut flowers, fresh flowers, and you put them in a vase: that helps bring the energy of the room up. But as soon as they start to wilt and get rotten, that's showing what we call death energy that drags the energy of the room down."
- “Flow is just the back-and-forth energy exchange between you and your environment. It's really important to not have clutter in your drawers, to not have old things that you don't use anymore, or worse damaged things.”
- “When you wear damaged or stained clothing, you aren't valuing your body or yourself; you're simply declaring that rags are what I deserved to wear.”
Key Takeaways for creating a soothing or calming office or home
Most people feel that to support their environment, they must work to earn money. Put another way, make enough money to make it the way you want. Instead, you'd be better off having your environment support you.
- Do you feel overwhelmed by the number of people in your home or office when you walk in? If your space is disorganized, the color is off, or items are hanging around that make you feel anxious, that atmosphere is sucking your energy away.
- When plants start to dry out, gently pick up any dead leaves and throw them away. If it dies, remove it entirely. Having fresh plants or even potted plants flourishing neatly in your house will improve the room's vibe..
- If you have many guests, fill some bowls halfway with salt and then halfway with water. Then you place them in different parts of the house to help absorb the low-energy vibes.
- To clear away books you don't need, ask Is there anything in particular that I adore? Is it necessary for me to reread it? Will I reread it? Or do I have to keep it for future reference? If the answer is no to any of these questions, it should be discarded. Removing them from your library, donating them to Goodwill, or reselling them are all options.
- When you clean your drawers, check to ensure they are clean and free of dust in the corners and other crevices. Assemble a nice, clean, orderly, and dusted dresser.
- The vibration that radiates from you elevates the frequency of everything around you when you pronounce the word "om," which is the sound of the universe. It works similarly to prayer in that it raises the frequency.
Episode Timeline:
[00:00] The struggle in starting as a healer
[04:44] Herbs that you can grow to raise energy
[07:09] Creating Energy Flow
[10:25] Clean and Dust Thoroughly
[11:12] The Focussed Life Force Energy