$49.00 USD

You'll be able to enjoy all the healing audios including healing for blood sugar, nerves and muscles, brain, energy, vision, pain, intestinal distress, relationships, and all future healing audios.  Planned are male and female organs, and skin.  Only $50 for eight more audios.

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Free from Intestinal Distress Audio

  • Do you have a chronic problem with Crohn’s or colitis?
  • Do you have a lot of intestinal discomfort from foods you might be allergic to?

Free From Intestinal Distress helps calm, soothe and relax the intestines and heals the delicate intestinal lining. Brings the body into a parasympathetic state, so it can heal. Listening often before bed can make a big difference. 

Download onto your computer or listen in on your mobile device on the platform app.

👉  Payment Details:

  • One payment only.
  • Payment will be deducted from your Credit Card account. You'll be emailed a receipt from Stripe or Paypal with scientifichealer.com as the merchant.
  • After your payment, you'll be directed to your library, in addition to receiving an access email.  Be sure to whitelist [email protected]