$147.00 USD

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8-Step Freedom From Trauma Protocol

For coaches and healers that are sensitive to their surrounding energies: Receive the following programs and bonuses:  the core program is an eight-step process to heal from trauma, using a combination of energy work, visualization, and practical tips. Your past trauma, even from previous lives, can negatively impact physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

You will also be able to attract more health, abundance and love into your life.

The package consists of:

       Program                                                                           Value

  • The 8-Step Freedom From Trauma Protocol:         $997
  • Powerful Healing Recordings and Meditations       $99
  • Customized Freedom From Trauma Action Guide  $97
  • Quick Check Freedom From Trauma Check List     $27
  • 26 Quick Stress Relief Hacks for Daily Calm             $47
  • Daybreak Empowerment Sequence                           $47
  • Healing Reinforcement Steps                                      $47

Total Value                                                                                     $1361

Today only:                                                                                      $147

Payment Details:

  • One payment only.
  • Payment will be deducted from your Credit Card account automatically, and you'll be emailed a receipt from PayPal or Stripe with scientifichealer.com as the merchant.
  • You will then be directed to a thank-you page to log in directly, and you'll receive an access email.  Be sure to whitelist [email protected]